
The bronze statue of “Daphne” depicts the iconic figure of Greek mythology transforming into a tree to escape the god Apollo. In this composition, Dafné is captured in a dramatic moment of transition, when her body begins to change, but still carries the beauty and grace of the female body. The statue is placed on a marble plinth, which gives it solidity and timeless elegance. This moment of transformation symbolizes inner strength and determination to break free from oppression, making the sculpture an expression of escape and self-preservation. Daphne is thus not only a reminder of Greek mythology, but also a universal symbol of freedom and transformation.

IV. výročná medzinárodná súťažná výstava Perla dell’Adriatico, Taliansko, 3. Cena medzinárodnej odbornej poroty ex aequo

Year: 2009
Material: Bronze
Dimensions: 12x75cm